Phil an Diva

Phil and Diva

Leaving their urban jobs to
pursue their dream of sailing and
living freely on the ocean:
Philippe Estiot and Iva Aguëro, alias
PhilandIva, have done it.
They travel the world on their sailboat,
Dali, and make
each of us
want to escape



Phil and Diva
Phil and Diva
Phil and Diva
Phil and Diva
Phil and Diva

Charlotte Husson

1 - Could you tell us what has changed in your
life since you started sailing?

A lot of things changed when we decided to leave our city life
and start sailing. Life on a sailboat brings you closer to nature
on a daily basis. Your body and mind adapt to the natural rhythms of nature
as you wake up with the sunrise and fall asleep shortly after


. When sailing to remote islands, you must also
learn to be self-sufficient and use your resources carefully
We use the
wind as much as possible to get from one place to another, we collect rainwater
to fill our tanks and we use solar panels to charge our batteries

. When we visit an inhabited island, we buy
fresh local produce from the local market, and once on the boat we fish, when
we can, for a fresh source of protein


2 - What is your first source of inspiration for your blog?

Both our blog and our TV series were born out of a desire to motivate people to follow their
passion. In our travels, we have met many people who think their
dreams are out of reach, that they are impossible to achieve
We want to show them that it is
possible to achieve your dreams and that life is more fulfilling if you do what you love.
We do this by sharing our own journey as well as that of many other people
, from all walks of life, with many different dreams, who have all managed to follow their
hearts and find meaning in what they do


3 - What is your first ecological reflex in the morning?

On the boat, ecological reflexes are systematic and continue all day long. We
exclusively charge our laptops, cameras and phones with
solar panels. Our toilets are flushed with sea water, so no fresh water
is wasted
We use biodegradable detergent as well as garbage bags and sa-
vons. We always separate organic and non-organic waste so that we can
dispose of our waste properly. I even have a "solar hot shower" that absorbs water
from the sun so I can have hot showers without using gas or electricity to
heat the water!

4 - What ecological gesture do you like to do on your sailboat?

Living in the tropics where it is always hot and often rains, I love being able to
collect and use rainwater. When it rains particularly hard, I can
stand on the deck of the boat and take a shower, wash my hair while watching
the storm and the texture the raindrops make as they hit the sea


It can be a little chilly, but I love feeling the tropical rain wash over me.

5 - What are your healthy / eco - friendly tips that you
would like to share with us?

One of the simplest things you can do is to reduce consumption.
On a boat, everything is limited so we are very careful with our water,
energy and fuel
In the city, you can do the same thing by simply reducing
unnecessary things. For example, you should turn off the shower while soaping
your body, shampooing
Making sure to turn off all lights and unplug
electrical appliances when not in use is also something simple but often


Reusing containers is also a great way to reduce
unnecessary plastic consumption, making sure to always use reusable grocery bags
and find new uses for the packaging


Jam jars make great containers
for spices, nuts and cereals for example!

6 - Can you give us your secret to be happy
every morning on your sailboat?

My secret to being happy on a sailboat is to wake up and go out. Feeling the wind on
my face, the sun on my skin and the water or sand on my feet is important

Being in touch with my environment makes me feel calm and confident.

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